What’s in a name? (Conclusion)

Google’s Responsibility You may be asking, “What about Google’s liability in all this?” For the most part, Google has managed to escape. But, how? Remember the Lanham Act and the eight factors used to determine the degree of confusion? In Jurin v. Google Inc., 09-cv-03065 […]

What’s in a name? (Part 3)

Trademarks and Google AdWords Now that we have a little background on trademark law, how does this context fit with the Binder & Binder story, and how does it help us answer the question, “What’s in a name?” It starts with keyword advertising, specifically Google’s […]

What’s in a name? (Part 2)

The “No Fee Guarantee®” For the most part, attaining a trademark registration can be a fairly uncomplicated process. It really depends on the attributes of the mark and the relationship to its alleged owner. Many of you may remember cj’s “No Fee Guarantee®” battle. As […]