Day 1: September 15, 1994
After being fired in September 1994, I made three now legendary phone calls to J. Marshall Hughes, Bob Crumley, and Bill Berg. All three said yes to being the first clients of what would grow to become the biggest, best, and most influential advertising agency for personal injury brands in the country by 2010.
Day 8455: 23 years and 2 months later
After an offer by Chad Dudley, Steve DeBosier, and James Peltier to acquire and grow the agency, all 30 cj clients unanimously are saying yes to a new direction for the agency. This new direction creates a growth opportunity for every team member and every firm in the cj family and allows our clients to seize opportunities in digital, become more efficient and effective in operations, and share success more than ever as a group.
Day 8500: December 31, 2017
Albeit, the last day of an era, Jimmy and I remain 100% committed to the success of the agency with the new owners. We will be actively engaged for at least 1 year to do all we can to help encourage continued success on all fronts, including our brands and our people.
Day 1: January 1, 2018
The new Chad Dudley Era begins for the agency. The Camels, Clients, and Trade Winds of the Industry are all aligned for success!!!