Can AI Content Help Law Firms Get Ahead?

by Steff Duhem | January 22, 2024

AI Content: A New Trend in the Legal Sector


Artificial intelligence has revolutionized many industries—now, AI content writing tools are primed to transform the legal field as well. AI’s role in content creation could be a game changer in an industry where time is at a premium and the demand for high-quality legal content is ever-growing.


Law firms traditionally rely on a blend of useful legal insights and persuasive marketing efforts to attract and retain clients in the digital space. But the task of generating engaging, instructive, and SEO-optimized web content is not only time-consuming but expensive. This is where AI content writing tools come into play, offering a potential solution.


Can these advanced tools truly help law firms get ahead? This blog post delves into the benefits and limitations of AI content tools in the legal sector, as well as how to adopt such tools for your law firm.

What Can AI Content Tools Do for Law Firms?


An AI content tool is essentially a digital assistant that can suggest, generate, and polish content. Popular free or freemium ones include OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard (now powered by Gemini), Microsoft’s Bing, and Anthropic’s Claude. However, paid services abound as well, including Semrush’s SEO Writing Assistant, Jasper AI, Surfer SEO, and AdCreative AI. For law firms, this technology can be a game-changer. Here are just some of the tasks that AI can facilitate.


Generating Different Types of Content

AI tools can draft various types of content needed for attorney outreach to potential and existing clients. When prompted, they can generate outlines, drafts, copy, and even images for legal blogs, newsletters, social media posts, and website pages. Some AI services even offer specialized templates for different categories of content.


Advanced Content Editing

Another useful feature of AI tools is the ability to edit text not only for spelling and grammar but also for desired style and readability levels. These tools can adjust the complexity of language to suit different reading proficiencies, making challenging legal topics more accessible to a broad audience. In addition, some tools allow for maintaining a brand voice or persona by inputting previous law firm content for the AI to replicate stylistically—adjusting content tone, diction, and formality.


Optimizing Content for Search Engines

AI content writing tools are incredibly useful for law firms looking to enhance their online presence. Some tools can perform SERP (Search Engine Results Page) analysis to understand what content ranks high in search results, then recommend keywords and legal topics to build new content around. Advanced tools may even offer predictive analytics, giving insights into which posts might perform well and when they should be published for maximum impact.


Researching Facts and Figures

AI content tools can be especially useful for law firms specializing in areas such as personal injury, as these firms’ content often needs to incorporate recent and relevant accident statistics. For example, if a firm focuses on car accident cases, AI tools can be prompted to scour the web and write about accident frequency, causes, and outcomes. While such research always needs to be double-checked, today’s tools are increasingly capable of citing high-quality sources, making factchecking easier.


It’s important to remember that not all AI content tools offer every feature. While many services provide free versions, there are usually limits on free usage. More advanced features often require a subscription or payment.


Limitations of AI Content Tools for Law Firms


While AI content tools boast impressive capabilities, it’s crucial to also understand their limitations. These limitations, if not properly managed, could potentially impact a law firm’s quality of content and consequently, its reputation. Below are some aspects of AI tools that still pose concern.


Limited Ability to Handle Complex Legal Topics

AI tools can struggle with understanding and accurately presenting complex legal topics. Writing about the law often involves nuanced, state-specific arguments and interpretations that AI may not fully grasp. This limitation can lead to content that lacks depth or misinterprets legal principles, potentially misleading readers.


Risk of Misinformation and “Hallucinations”

AI systems sometimes generate “hallucinations,” a term used to describe factually false or nonsensical information. In the legal context, such inaccuracies are particularly problematic, leading to misinformation that could harm a firm’s credibility if not caught by a human at the firm before being published.


Plagiarism and Copyright Concerns

There’s a risk of AI unintentionally replicating content from existing sources, raising concerns about plagiarism and copyright infringement. Law firms must ensure that AI-generated content is original and does not violate any copyright laws, which can be challenging given the AI’s method of aggregating and rephrasing existing information.

Loss of a Personal Touch in Communications

The use of AI in content creation could also lead to less of a “human touch” in client communications. Personalized interactions and relationships are crucial in the legal sector, and over-reliance on automated content may make the firm’s attorneys appear less personable and engaging.


To mitigate these limitations, law firms should use AI tools as a complement to, rather than a replacement for, human expertise. Regular reviews of and edits to content by legal professionals are essential. By striking a balance between AI and human input, law firms can leverage the benefits of AI tools while minimizing the risks.


Navigate the Future of Legal Content with cj Advertising


AI content tools hold significant promise for law firms looking to get ahead in a competitive landscape. The advantages are clear:

  • Faster and cheaper content production.
  • Reduced workload for team members who oversee content.
  • Greater visibility for the firm through search engine optimization.


However, AI-generated content that touches on legal topics should always undergo the review of a legal professional at the firm.


The key to successfully integrating AI tools lies in selectively implementing them. Consider using AI for what it does best—generating ideas, outlines, and initial drafts, handling uncomplicated, routine communications, and aiding in search engine optimization—while maintaining human oversight. AI tools should be viewed as a complementary resource that, when used judiciously and in conjunction with human expertise, can enhance a law firm’s content strategy. The future of legal content is one where AI and human creativity coexist, each playing to their strengths.


Curious to learn more about AI content for law firms? Reach out to cj Advertising’s legal marketing experts at