The Power of Reviews: Boosting Your Firm’s Online Reach

by cj Advertising | February 12, 2024

In digital advertising, placing your law firm in the spotlight isn’t just about being seen—it’s about being seen by the right people at the right time. With potential clients’ eyes scanning information-dense feeds at all hours of the day, optimizing your approach to digital ads becomes necessary to stand out.

Enter the realm of Google reviews, which offer a degree of authenticity and credibility no direct response advertisement can ever replicate. This is especially true for Google’s Local Services Ads (LSAs), where your firm’s presence is not just about the ad itself, but the real-world voices backing it up.

Google reviews are like the digital version of classic word-of-mouth advertising: they build trust, add transparency, and can be the factor that builds or kills a public reputation. And it’s not just about having a high number of reviews, either; it’s about what these reviews say, how often they’re refreshed, and how you respond.

What’s the Big Deal with Google Reviews?

Unlike crafted ad copy or polished commercials, Google reviews represent the unfiltered voices of real people sharing their experiences with your firm. This kind of authenticity is valuable in building trust.

They provide a tangible, credible testimony to your firm’s service. In the legal sector, where trust and reliability are extremely important, this kind of authenticity can significantly influence a prospective client’s decision to work with you.

These reviews also play a pivotal role in the way Google’s algorithm displays your firm in a Google search. A steady stream of positive reviews, high star ratings, and recent feedback can propel your firm to a higher algorithmic ranking in Google’s search results.

Responding to Reviews: A Key to Higher Rankings

Getting plenty of glowing reviews is only half the battle in the quest for Google search dominance. The other half of the battle is engaging with these reviews. That’s because Google doesn’t just look for firms with a high quantity of reviews. It specifically rewards those who actively participate in the conversation.

Therefore, responding to reviews, both positive and negative, is a crucial step in enhancing your firm’s online presence. This interaction reflects a firm’s commitment to client communication and service. Regularly responding to reviews signals to Google that your firm is attentive and values client feedback, which can lead to a higher ranking in Google searches and LSAs.

Engaging with reviews is an opportunity to showcase your firm’s personality and dedication to client satisfaction. A thoughtful response to a positive review can amplify the good sentiment, while a tactful and empathetic reply to a negative review can mitigate damage and demonstrate your firm’s dedication to resolving issues.

This level of responsiveness is a key differentiator in the digital space. It tells potential clients that your firm isn’t just listening, but actively participating in the dialogue. By embracing this responsive approach, your firm can not only climb the ranks in LSAs but also build a stronger, more relatable brand that resonates with the modern legal client.

Strategies to Enhance Your Approach to Google Reviews

Following these seven steps can help you maximize the power and effectiveness of Google Reviews for your firm:

  1. Encourage Client Reviews: Proactively ask satisfied clients to leave a review. This can be done through follow-up emails, text messages, or during closing conversations of successful cases.
  2. Make Review Submission Easy: Provide clear, simple instructions or direct links to your Google Business Profile in your communications with clients. The easier and less time-consuming it is to leave a review, the more likely your clients will do it.
  3. Respond to All Reviews Promptly: Whether positive or negative, ensure that every review receives a response. This shows engagement and appreciation for client feedback, which is valued by both potential clients and Google’s algorithm.
  4. Train Your Team on Effective Response Techniques: Equip your staff with the skills and guidelines for responding to reviews, ensuring that replies are professional, empathetic, and in line with your firm’s tone and values.
  5. Highlight Positive Reviews in Marketing Materials: Showcase glowing reviews on your website and in social media posts. This not only celebrates client satisfaction but also encourages others to leave their feedback.
  6. Monitor Review Trends: Regularly check your reviews for genuine insights into client satisfaction and areas for improvement. This monitoring can inform both your service delivery and your responses to reviews.
  7. Address Negative Feedback Constructively: When responding to negative reviews, focus on resolving the issue and demonstrating your commitment to client satisfaction. This can turn a negative experience into a positive display of your firm’s responsiveness and professionalism.

By actively encouraging client feedback, responding thoughtfully to each review, and incorporating these insights into your service model, your firm can significantly improve its LSA rankings and online reputation. Remember, each review is more than just a comment—it’s an opportunity to connect, build trust, and showcase the quality of your legal services.

If you have any questions about your firm’s approach to Google reviews, contact your cj brand strategist today!