Act at the Speed of Opportunity

by cj Advertising | May 15, 2012

Cary Graham attended the Act at the Speed of Opportunity Conference  on  5/15/12. 

Here are a couple of questions we asked Cary when we returned from the conference:

Give a brief overview of the conference:

Spend your morning with Dan Heath, co-author of Switch and Made to Stick—joined by Chris LoCurto, VP for the Dave Ramsey Organization—as he explores techniques you can use to drive successful change in your business. Learn how seizing opportunity will impact your bottom line.

What was the most important aspect of the conference that you took away?

I found Dan Heath’s representation of human motivations to be quite interesting. Understanding the impact our emotional (elephant) mind has on our actions, and the control it has over our logical (rider) mind, is paramount to making change a reality. I plan to use his step-by-step approach to effecting positive change in both my personal and professional life.

To visit their website:

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