Humming Along with Google’s Hummingbird

by Renee Brank | November 19, 2013

Google recently launched Hummingbird, a major update to its search algorithm.

Hummingbird changes the way Google searches the Web by:

  • Increasing the importance of location, social media connections, and past searches
    Your location when you search, who you follow on social networking sites, and what you searched for in the past now have a greater influence on your search results.
  • Placing more emphasis on conversational searches
    Google now rewards sites that directly answer questions like “What should I do after a car accident?” This change also helps Google process voice command searches from mobile devices.
  • Adding the Knowledge Graph
    The addition of the Knowledge Graph means that the answers to common searches, such as the distance between two cities or when daylight saving time ends, now appear directly at the top of the search result page.

To find out what our Search team is doing to keep your firm’s website optimized for Hummingbird, check out cj’s Voice of the Camel blog.